Swiss Prime Site Solutions to launch two bond issues in Q2

Swiss Prime Site Solutions AG



Zug, 15 March 2023

Swiss Prime Site Solutions to launch two bond issues in Q2

- Bond issues planned for the Swiss Prime Site Investment Fund Commercial (SPSS IFC) and the Akara Swiss Diversity Property Fund PK (Akara Diversity PK) in second quarter, 2023
- Issue volume of about CHF 50 million each
- Payment date will be 9 June 2023

The fund managers of SPSS IFC Commercial (focus on commercial real estate) and Akara Diversity PK (focus on residential and commercial real estate) are planning their next bond issues for the second quarter of 2023. The subscription period for both funds will begin on Monday, 8 May 2023 and end on Friday, 26 May 2023. The aim is for each fund to attract capital of about CHF 50 million. The payment date for the fund units will be 9 June 2023.

Existing investors will be able to exercise their subscription rights in respect of the capital increases. Investors in SPSS IFC will benefit from a discounted issue commission by means of pre-commitments before the start of the subscription period. Investors in Akara Diversity PK will have the opportunity to participate in the fund through declarations of intent on a first come, first served basis.

Use of the capital

The capital raised will be used mainly to expand the portfolio in line with the strategy. Exclusive transaction opportunities have already been secured. At the same time, new investors will also receive the opportunity to join the investor base. This is intended to further increase the liquidity of the shares.

Detailed information and live webcasts

Further information on the bond issues will be disclosed shortly before the beginning of the subscription period. There will also be two live webcasts:

Akara Diversity PK:
Tuesday, 18 April 2023, 11:00 am (presentation on the issue and the Annual Report)
Register here.

Wednesday, 10 May 2023, 11:00 am (presentation on the issue and the Half-year Report)
Register here.

SPSS IFC fund profile

The Swiss Prime Site Solutions Investment Fund Commercial invests directly in good to very good locations throughout Switzerland, primarily in commercial real estate. The investment focus is on broad diversification, high cash flow stability and economically established locations. The investment strategy’s countercyclical focus on commercial properties is proving shrewd and resilient amid high inflation, thanks to rent indexation. The indexing rate is 91% effective 31 January 2023. SPSS IFC is the direct owner of the real estate; as such, taxes are pre-paid by the fund. Thus, income and assets are tax-free to investors. The fund is aimed at qualified investors.

Akara Diversity PK fund profile

Akara Diversity PK is open to tax-exempt pension funds and social insurance and compensation funds registered in Switzerland. Investment funds may also invest if their investor base consists solely of the above-mentioned tax-exempt institutions domiciled in Switzerland. The valuation of the shares is based on the NAV without premiums/discounts, which reduces volatility. Investment is made in existing properties and development and construction projects with residential or commercial usage types (50%, ±15 percentage points) throughout Switzerland. It aims to achieve a steady and attractive distribution, long-term value growth and broad diversity. Most properties are held directly.


Press release: